Combined Horizontal TwinTrans® System
Multi-Direction Electrophoresis
Tired of long procedures of two techniques; SDS-PAGE and Western blot?
Now Combine Horizontal TwinTrans® System
Combine: Protein Gel Electrophoresis and Western Blot in one System
Horizontal: Easy to use, Easy to load samples, Load more samples
Faster, Consistent & Convenient
All in One System
Run SDS-PAGE and Western Blot in the same cassette & Running Chamber without interruption
Handling Errors Free & Consistency
Minimum handling required. Load your samples and let the machine does the rest
No Gel cassette opening
No Gel Rupture
No Western blot sandwich making
No air bubbles
No interruption between protein separation and Transfer to membrane
No two different devices with different troubleshooting
SDS-PAGE and WB altogether in only 2 hours
Sample size capacity
Five times more sample size per well. load as much as 100µl per well
Cost effective
Pay for one System instead of two
Western blot transfer membranes are included in the combined cassettes
Say Good bye to stress and frustrations
Protein separation and identification
Protein translation level identification
Protein-Protein interactions
Pathways anaylysis
Antibody spcificty characteriazion
TwinTrans® System is a device and method to combine two very popular laboratory techniques that are Protein separation electrophoresis and Western blot transfer of protein from acrylamide gel to transfer membrane.
TwinTrans® system is a multi-direction electrophoresis system that allows electricity run from cathode to anode poles horizontally to allow Protein separations and vertically to allow transfer of separated proteins from gel to transfer membrane. A simple electrical switch converts the electricity direction from horizontal to vertical once protein separation is done.
The System is composed of TwinTrans® Running Chamber and TwinTrans® Horizontal Precast Cassettes. The System can use traditional Protein Gel electrophoresis running buffers and traditionla transfer buffers or MinaBiotech's propitiatory SuperRun Buffers that optmized for fater and ore consisitent proceudres.
The Horizontal design of TwinTrans® System brings the fowlling obvious advatages:
Easy handling of running chamber; aseembling and desembling the system is very handy
Protein gel Running and Transfer buffers separation is very tight
The sample are loaded on to the gels outside the runnig chamber that brings conveince of loading samples on normal lab benches wihtout the need of pasture pipettes or special tips. Therefore Never miss a well or damage a well becuase of hard to see transparent well and well walles of vertical gels.
capacity to load more samples volume per well into the TwinTrans® Horizontal Precast Cassettes. dueto extra hight dimention of wells, about 5 times more samples can be loaded into a given length and width of wells comared to vertical protein gels.
Easy insertion of TwinTrans® Horizontal cassettes into the running chamber.
No need to insert electrical poles. The poles are stable and mounted to top deck of the running chamber.