Repoter assays
Accurate, Sensitive & Easy method for studying Gene Reporter Regulation and Function in transformed Cell lines
The follwing assays are available to measure cellular Cytotoxicity:
Firefly Luciferase Assay
Advantages & Features
Easy and Fast protocol: results within 14 minutes.
Sensitive and linear: correlation between luciferase gene expression and light output for transfection.
Ideal for high throughput assays.
Risk-free: product covered by our Quality 100% Guarantee.
Detection and quantification of Firefly Luciferase.
Reporter enzyme from cultured cells.
Luciferase Assay Kit (from the firefly Photinus pyralis) is an accurate, sensitive and easy method for studying gene reporter regulation and function in transformed cell lines in culture.
Firefly Luciferase has an apparent molecular weight of 62 kDa, which is active as a monomer and does not require subsequent processing for its activity. The enzyme catalyzes the oxidation of reduced luciferin in the presence of ATP-Mg2+ and oxygen to generate CO2, AMP, PPi, oxyluciferin and produces a flash of light that is proportional to the quantity of luciferase in the reaction mixture.
The Luciferase Assay Substrate includes coenzyme A, ATP and luciferin. Including coenzyme A in the reaction enhances the sensitivity of the assay and provides a sustained light reaction (half-life > 5 minutes). This eliminates the need for automated luminometer injection of substrate and allows analysis by photographic film or scintillation counting.
10 mL Luciferase Assay Substrate
4 mL Cell Lysis Buffer (5x)
10 μg Luciferase (Control)
Shipment Gel Pack.
Storage: 4 °C upon receipt.
Shelf Life: 24 months from the date of purchase, if it is properly stored.
Firefly & Renilla Dual Luciferase Single Tube Assay
Advantages & Features
Enhanced results: optimized for higher Sensitivity, Linearity and Accuracy.
Optimized: single tube format.
Easy protocol.
Fast: get results in few minutes.
Ideal for high throughput assays
Risk-free: product covered by our Quality 100% Guarantee.
Detection and quantification of Firefly Luciferase.
Reporter enzyme from cultured cells.
Firefly & Renilla Dual Luciferase Single Tube Assay is an extremely sensitive, accurate and fast Kit for the sequential quantitative measurement of both Luciferase activities in a single Protein extract.
It exploits the differing biochemical requirements for Luminescence of the Firefly (Photinus pyralis) and sea pansy (Renilla reniformis) Luciferase Proteins. Both, have proven to be highly effective as gene reporters.
10 mL 5x Cell Lysis Buffer
10 mL Fluc Assay Buffer
10 mL Rluc Assay Buffe
2 x 1 mg D-Luciferin, potassium salt
2 x 200 μg Coelenterazine (lyophilized)
Shipment at Dry Ice.
Storage: -80°C or below. Fluc and Rluc Assay Buffers are stable at -80°C for at least three months from date of receipt. Other components are stable at -20°C or below for at least three months from date of receipt. Kit components are stable to at least 5 freeze/thaw cycles.
Shelf Life: 24 months from the date of purchase, if it is properly stored.
ONPG – Galactosidase Assay
Advantages & Features
Proven performance to quantify high expression level of beta-Gal.
Very stable: resistant to proteolytic degradation and easily assayed.
Convenient for all transfection assays.
Versatile: proven performance for cultured cells and tissues.
Fast and easy protocol.
Risk-free: product covered by our Quality 100% Guarantee.
Measurement of β-Galactosidase activity in the lysates of transfected cells.
ONPG B-Galactosidase Assay Kit is an optimized, stable and convenient tool to quickly measure the levels of active β-galactosidase expressed in cells transfected with plasmids expressing Lac Z.
Lac Z is often used reporter gene in experiments transfection because the β-galactosidase is very resistant to proteolytic degradation and its activity is easily measured. β-galactosidase performs the hydrolysis of orthonitrophenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside (ONPG) to the ortho-nitrophenol (ONP). This ONP produces a bright yellow colour that is detected at an absorbance of 420 nm. The concentration of β-galactosidase is proportional to colour produced.
ONGP Substrate solution
Buffer Lysis
Buffer Assay
Buffer Stop
β-galactosidase enzyme
Shipped in: Gel Pack.
Storage: 4 ºC.
Shelf Life: 24 months from the date of purchase, if it is properly stored.
SEAP Reporter Gene Assay Kit
Advantages & Features
Convenient: a single set of cells is used for both the SEAP assay and another purpose.
Time-saving protocol: results in 55 minutes due the elimination of cell lysate preparation.
Cost-effective: allows performance directly in a microtiter plate.
Sensitive: assayed even in low cell concentrations.
Secreted from transfected cells into the culture medium.
Risk-free: product covered by our Quality 100% Guarantee.
​Measurement the levels of SEAP in the culture medium of transfected cells.
Secreted Alkaline Phosphatase (SEAP) Reporter Gene is a really easy, sensitive and fast assay that utilizes enzyme activity of alkaline phosphatase to dephosphorylate the chemiluminescent alkaline phosphatase substrate CSPD into an unstable dioxetane anion which decomposes and emits light. SEAP encodes a truncated form of the placental enzyme that lacks the membrane anchoring domain, thereby allowing the protein to secrete efficiently from transfected cells. Changes in levels of SEAP activity detected in the culture medium are directly proportional to changes in intracellular concentrations of SEAP mRNA and protein.
3 x 96 W Solid Plate (white)
3 units of lid
50 μL Alkaline Phosphatase Standard
15 mL SEAP Substrate (Luminescence)
Shipping: Ambient Temperature.
Storage: 4 ºC, except Component solution containing CSPD® Substrate (2-6 °C), Placental Alkaline Phosphatase Positive Control (-20 °C).
Shelf Life: All components are stable for 2 years of receipt if stored properly.
Recommendations: Protect SEAP Substrate from light.